The Tangibility Paradox
The Silent Protest

Momentary Bliss

Residue of Removal

Turnip Love
Design Funny
Meraih Asa
Bali Art Supplies
The Evian Retreat

Art Direction
AI Experiment
Graphic Design



Turnip Love

CATEGORY: Experimental, AI
CREDIT: Jocelyn Firmansyah, Kim Sena, Shalom Chew

Turnip Love, a rap album, is an amalgamation of AI image, text and audio generators. The goal of our project is to explore the potential of technology in aiding creative pursuits. 

Focusing on the objectives of co-creating and establishing the collaboration between human creativity and artificial intelligence, we have explored various auditory and visual generators available online.

View project microsite.

The artefact was produced in the span of two phases. The first phase of our project was largely focused on the audible component — the songs. Thereafter, our efforts were focused on creating the visual aspect of the CD album — the album artwork and the packaging of the CD.

This 6-track album consists of two songs with three remixes each. The tracks are arranged from conventional and mainstream-sounding to more experimental. The reason for this curation is to test out how much we can push the different softwares and whether there is a limit to the quality of output using these softwares. Through this process, our team has also learnt to embrace the outcomes that sound unpleasant and dissonant.

To further distinguish the remixes, we titled each remix and played on the words "Turnip" and "Only". The more experimental-sounding remixes were given humourous synonyms of their respectitive titles while the mainstream-inspired remixes were given a more serious title.

The visual explorations seen above are created by the text-prompt image generator called Crayaion. To achieve these captivating graphics, we went through the process of altering keywords, generating outcomes; and creating iterations. Using these AI-generated images, we contextualised them by using them on the album cover, the poster print-out and even the artist portraits.